Rock climbing gym at the Manhattan Plaza Health Club |
So I'm going rock climbing tomorrow with some of my labmates at an indoor gym near Times Square (at 3 pm on a workday...I guess academia sometimes has it's perks). I haven't been rock climbing since high school. Princeton had a wall and it was free on some nights, but it was always on weekend nights when I had lots of fun things to do at Quad, so I never went. Anyway, in high school I wasn't that bad, in fact it was pretty fun (as long as I was on the "easy" wall, lol). I remember that it takes a lot more upper body strength than lower body strength, so hopefully I haven't lost that since high school. Anyway, I have no idea how it's going to go, hopefully I don't completely wipe out in front of my labmates, but either way I'm glad to be trying something (kind of) new!
yessss i love rock climbing! i really need to go to the wall sometime.