Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Updates from the gym

  • So here's something I don't get.  In the winter, it's cold outside, yet it's the EXACT same temperature INSIDE the gym.  Yet all the girls wear workout pants during the winter, not shorts.  So you're choosing to be uncomfortably hot while working out, just because the outside temperature happens to be different?  
  • So with being away on weekends and going to group exercise classes instead, I hadn't been on the treadmills since last week.  So I went this morning, and lo and behold, the New Year's resolution people have already quit! The gym is so much less busy and I can actually move around and have any machine I want.  At the Bally's in Philly I went to, the New Year's resolution people didn't quit until mid-March or so. 


  1. haha, yeah, guess people have less time as classes and homework start ramping up during the semester
