Sunday, November 21, 2010

A miracle!

Oh my goodness! A miracle just happened.  This weekend, I was faced with a take-home midterm, an oral presentation worth half my grade I hadn't even started researching, a ton of data analysis for lab, and group project work to do for a meeting tomorrow.  This weekend was busy, so I only started to tackle this today around 4 pm.  And I am just now finishing my take-home midterm.  I was all set to go to bed, wake up around 6 am to start researching my presentation, skip class, skip lunch, just to work on the presentation.  And then I had no idea how I was going to do my group project stuff before 6 pm tomorrow.

But, oh my goodness, I just got an email saying that my class tomorrow night where I was supposed to present is canceled!  Like, I can't even begin to say what this means.  I was already feeling pretty dejected and hopeless because of this weekend, but maybe this means I have at least a little bit of good karma in this world.  I'm so relieved.

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