Yale |
So my last day of work was last Friday. No one ever stays until 5:30 pm on their last day, so I managed to leave around 3:00. It was kind of awkward saying goodbye to people. Actually, it was most awkward saying goodbye to the other associates -- it was somewhere along the lines of "peace out, catch you in NYC sometime". My managers were really nice, asking me about my PhD plans, thanking me for the work I did, saying they were sure I would do well in my endeavors, and offering help and advice if I needed it in the future. I managed to fit all my cubicle paraphernalia into one tote bag. I felt naked leaving behind my ID badge. So I got back to my apartment and left right away for New Haven so I could see Daniel! Traffic was worse than normal, since I was actually traveling when other normal people are out on the road, rather than like at 11 pm on a Sunday night, haha. So I got there and hung out at Yale's student bar, chatting with Daniel while he checked IDs at the door. And I actually ran into a couple people I knew -- a former colleague from ZS who's starting his PhD at Yale, and secondly, a fellow Princetonian who I spent my freshman summer in Cleveland with, as part of the Summer on the Cuyahoga program. The Harvard-Yale-Princeton network is very closely intertwined : )
Settlers of Cataan - Cities & Knights |
On Saturday we played a good game of Ultimate at a field in New Haven. Nice big field, no big mud puddles or dead grass. And a little water fountain on the side of the field : ) After lunch at UNO's, we played two games of Settler Cities & Knights. I hadn't explained the rules in awhile, so there were some nitpicky details I had to look up. But it was fun, a 3-person board is a good way to explain the new version. We had dinner at Geronimo's, a southwestern tequila bar grill place. I was afraid of sneaky spiciness, so I just got a burger.

On Sunday, it was rainy and dreary and cold and one of those days where you just want to curl up in front of a fireplace with a book and blanket. Except it was in the middle of August. So, anyway, we went to Blockbuster, but it turns out it was closing so they were selling DVDs instead of renting them. And they were also selling like the cardboard covers from the DVD boxes, for thousands of movies. We spent like a half hour looking through all of them, trying to find good ones. We ended up getting 30 of them -- about 10" x 6". Daniel's gonna make his into coasters, and I think mine just might be little posters on the wall. So for the movie, we got a blu-ray version of The Hurt Locker, since Daniel can play those movies on his computer and hook it up to his laptop. And then we went grocery shopping for ingredients to make super-duper homemade lasagna, where 'super-duper' means a million ingredients from scratch. So we got a lot of random things like bayleaves, fresh basil, carrots, italian sausage, etc. And then we made the lasagne (both of us had never made lasagne before, so it was crazy fun), and cooked it while watching the Hurt Locker. A pretty perfect lazy Sunday, no? Oh, and we had some wine and cheese before cooking : ) And the best part? Since I didn't have to get back to Philly for work, I was able to stay Sunday night and leave Monday morning. It's AMAZING how much difference an extra 12 hours can make. It made our Sunday so much more relaxing and we were able to slow down and have fun and appreciate our dinner and movie.
Boston! |
And all this past week, I've been packing up my apartment. On Monday I had my last hip-hop class at my gym : ( I think I'll sign up for a class at Columbia's gym. Hopefully it's just as good and at the same difficulty level. On Wednesday, I played softball for ZS, since they always need people (and girls). We actually won! It was a great game, since our opponents were the same skill level as us, so we were tied most of the game. I played 2nd base and fielded a lot of ground hits and got some outs at 1st base : ) And yesterday was some more pick-up frisbee at a field in the ghetto of West Philly. The field was pretty small and we had 7 on 7, so I got pretty frustrated, since we could barely cut to the disc since people were cluttering up the space. Plus someone was smoking weed right near the field, and that disgusting smell annoyed me too. Haha, anyway, just more packing this weekend, and the big move day is Monday! And then a week of orientation and then a trip to Boston with Daniel for Labor Day (but really for our 4-year anniversary!)
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