Monday, August 16, 2010

Taco Night!

So on Friday night, Noah hosted taco night at his place.  It was a really simple idea, and it turned out to be really, really fun.  The idea originally spawned because he makes great homemade guacamole, and he wanted people to actually enjoy it with a meal rather than randomly during a midnight snack.  So there were like 7 of us in his parents' kitchen (Noah, MaryBeth, me, Erin, Sarah, Jeff and Ian), and we all brought ingredients, and for half hour or so we were chopping onions, cooking meat, making guac, baking cakes, and blending daquiris.

It just felt awesome all contributing and participating, and in the end, we made a delicious meal that we all enjoyed together (pictures to come....).  Cooking really is a great way to bond, one of those rare activities where you can actually have a conversation while doing something (unlike watching TV, movies or playing sports or something).  Anyway, Taco Night was definitely a success, and I can't wait to do something like it again!

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